USC Rossier School of Education


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The mission of the USC Rossier School of Education is to improve learning in urban education locally, nationally and globally.

Urban education takes place within many contexts including pre-kindergarten through high school, in human services, higher education, and workplace settings. Urban areas typically have unique strengths including racial, ethnic, linguistic, and cultural diversity. Urban areas often face challenges associated with equity and access, poverty, density, mobility and immigration, environmental degradation and strained social conditions around housing, healthcare and crime. Our emphasis on and learning in urban contexts guides us as we generate knowledge that is applicable to contexts beyond the urban core.

We will transform urban education by:

  • Leading the search for innovative, efficacious, and just solutions by engaging in collaborative translational research.
  • Preparing and developing educational leaders who are change agents committed to urban education and who possess the competencies needed to address complex educational and social issues.
  • Creating mutually beneficial partnerships to ensure our work is field-based and incorporates a diversity of perspectives and experiences.