Jorge Salas

Jorge Salas


Jorge Salas | Travis Unified Teachers Association

When Jorge Salas arrived at Vanden High School in Fairfield six (6) years ago, little did he know that his vision would inspire the development and success of his school’s Latinos Unidos Club for Education (LUCE). Starting the club with just five (5) students, the club has now grown to 40 students who meet regularly. Their objective is to develop a comprehensive support system for Latino students as well as to raise awareness for the Latino cultural heritage, historical contributions and academic achievements.

Jorge, through his leadership at the LUCE, has empowered and inspired students at Vanden High school to make a difference in their education and their community. Through exposure to local role models, universities tours, and a peer tutoring program that fosters academic excellence, Jorge has been successful in his club’s mission of not only supporting Latino students in getting to college but also staying connected with them and guiding them as they choose career options.

Furthermore, Jorge’s leadership and commitment has laid the ground for achieving significant progress in equal opportunities for Latino students at Vanden High School. As fruits of his labor, students who have graduated from the LUCE program have expressed a desire to come back to mentor and speak to students currently in the LUCE Program.

I am proud to present the Cesar Chavez “Si Se Puede” Human Rights Award to Jorge Salas.