My teaching inspires me when I stand in front of a group of eleven to thirteen year old students, and lead them through performances that will live in their hearts, forever. I am inspired through the passion and love they learn for music, and I am inspired when I hear them speak to their audiences through the powerful medium of music! This photo is my Concert Band Students, after performing for our local VFW, on Veterans Day! Needless to say the many months of practice, rehearsal, preparation and dedication to learn the Star Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful, a Salute to the Armed Forces for all military branches, several other Patriotic selections and all music throughout the year, culminates in moving, meaningful concerts for the students, the school and our community. While we perform many times throughout the year, I never feel as inspired as when we finish our Veteran’s Day Performance. My students and the Veterans at the VFW spend time together after the performance, and they learn first hand about our Nation’s history and what our local heroes have accomplished. The Veterans are incredibly appreciative and complimentary for the students’ performance; however, seeing and hearing my students thank and honor the Veterans for their acts of heroism will continue to be an incredible experience as a teacher.
Gary S.